Ottawa First time home buyers, there is no doubt that buying a house is a large commitment. Here is some information to assist Ottawa first time home buyers. Ottawa First Time Home Buyers Asking Yourself the Right Questions Ottawa first t ...
There are some great perks to being a first time buyer with the Home Buyer’s Plan (HBP). For example, borrowing up to $35,000 from your RRSP without penalty. However, you may not know that you can be considered a first time buyer more ...
One of the major benefits of working with a mortgage broker in Ottawa is that they have access to many lenders from banks, to credit unions to monoline lenders. Monoline Lenders For clients only familiar with traditional banks, many of t ...
A surprising 60% of mortgage holders break their mortgage during the term. When a mortgage contract is broken a lender typically will charge a penalty. There are many reasons why someone may need to break a mortgage. This post reviews the top reaso ...
A husband and wife in their early seventies felt that they needed a little more cash on hand. They were considering cashing in some of the limited investments they had left. Here is an Ottawa reverse mortgage success story. The couple is uneasy each ...
No down payment mortgage options for Ottawa. One of the biggest challenges when wanting to purchase a home is saving for the down payment. Keep reading to learn more about the no down payment* mortgage options in Ottawa. With these options you can buy ...
Cosigning for a mortgage in Ottawa is becoming more and more popular and there are may reasons why one needs a cosigner. Cosigning For a Mortgage Reasons a Cosigner May be Needed A cosigner may be needed when an applicant: is self employe ...
Here are 4 important points to consider when looking at private mortgages in Ottawa. Private mortgages in Ottawa 1) A private mortgage can help protect the rate and terms of your first mortgage: One main challenge with refinancing your cu ...
Who gives and who gets the best mortgage rates in Ottawa? There was an interesting article in The Star about who gives and who gets the best mortgage rates either from their bank as loyal long-term customers or first time buyers and people who switch b ...