There may come a time when you want to sell your current house and buy a new one. However, you may be having trouble getting the closing dates to align. Or, for convenience, you would like to move into your new house first before having to move out of your current house. Bridge financing from an Ottawa mortgage broker may make the move easier. Also, it can allow you to complete any renovations, if needed, before moving all your belongings in.
The challenge with closing on your new house first is that you may need the funds from your existing house for the down payment on the new house. If your current house sells after the closing date of the new house then you need a way to access the equity from your current house early. The equity to use for the down payment.
This is where bridge financing can assist. Bridge financing allows you to use some of the equity in your current property towards the down payment on the new property.
It’s important to note that bridge financing requires you to have a firm agreement on your purchase. As well as, a firm sale agreement on your existing home. A firm agreement is where conditions have been waived on the house you are buying. Also, for the house you are selling.
If your current house has not sold yet then bridge financing is not possible. In that case, other options would need to be explored such as refinancing your current house to access some of the funds needed for the down payment on the new house. This would then be paid out once your current house sells.
Budgeting your monthly cash flow is important when exploring bridge financing. You will have your current mortgage payment, the new house’s mortgage payment and the bridge loan payment.
Andrew Thake is a seasoned mortgage broker with over 15 years of industry experience. He’s assisted more than 2,200 clients in finding their ideal mortgage solutions. Recognized for his excellence, Andrew has received high honours and awards, including the National Rookie of the Year from TD Canada Trust and recognition as a Top 10 Ottawa Mortgage Broker in 2023. He has also been inducted into the Hall of Fame at Dominion Lending Centres and has consistently received their Platinum Award during his tenure as a mortgage broker.
Andrew’s dedication lies in serving his clients and prioritizing their needs with an empathetic approach. Throughout the application process, he provides tailored, informed, and efficient services to ensure the best mortgage solutions for his client’s unique circumstances. The best part of Andrew’s job is when he gets to see the joy on his clients’ faces following their mortgage approval.