Category: Mortgage Resources

Probation, Leave, Acting Pay and Tenure

December 2, 2020 
I am currently on probation I am on maternity leave I am receiving Acting Pay I am not receiving Acting Pay

Probation, Leave and Tenure

December 2, 2020 
I am currently on probation I am on maternity leave I have been with my current employer for less than one year I have been with my current employer for more than one year

Government of Canada

December 2, 2020 
I do not work for the Government of Canada I work for the Government of Canada

Type of Income

December 2, 2020 
I receive an annual salary I am hourly I am on contract


December 2, 2020 
I have an employer I am self employed

Other Useful Resources

September 22, 2020 
What is required 1) Photo ID a photo of your passport or driver's licence is acceptable ID must not be expired health cards are not accepted 2) Void cheque or pre authorized debit form a photo of a void cheque is acceptable most online banking websites allow you to access a sample void cheque or […]

Other Resources & Materials

September 22, 2020 
What is required 1) Photo ID a photo of your passport or driver's licence is acceptable ID must not be expired health cards are not accepted 2) Void cheque or pre authorized debit form a photo of a void cheque is acceptable most online banking websites allow you to access a sample void cheque or […]


September 22, 2020 
Welcome to the documents section. The documents that a lender requires are very specific. Please review the list of documents required, notes and sample documents carefully to assure a fast and accurate review by the lender. Purchase Renewal Refinance

Optional Time Saving Tip

June 3, 2020 
When you finish the application, the you will receive a checklist of suggested documents to upload. If you upload the documents now, we can review the documents at the same time we review your application. This will save you time as an extra meeting will not be required to review your documents. I have made […]

Stages of the Mortgage Journey

May 24, 2020 
Stage One This is the welcome stage. At this first stage we have a welcome call to discover your mortgage needs. From this call you will receive an email with with notes from our conversation, an application link as well as a calendar link to book a time to review your application together. By being able […]
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