Category: Mortgage Resources

Sharing of information between multiple applicants

April 12, 2019 
Any information provided by an applicant will be seen by all other applicants who are on the application during the mortgage package review as all applicants must to review and initial a copy of the mortgage application. Return to the important information page

SIN that starts with a ‘9’

April 12, 2019 
For those with a SIN that starts with a ‘9’ as you are not Canadian citizens nor permanent residents, a lender cannot assist with your application as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. You would need to apply as a non-resident which can dramatically change the mortgage application, for example many traditional lenders needing a […]


April 12, 2019 
In the situation that an appraisal is needed and the cost is your responsibility, an appraisal company contact you directly to collect the payment prior to completing the appraisal. The appraisal needs to be dated within the last 60 days. The appraisal needs to be from an appraiser on the lender's approved appraisers list. Appraisal […]

Purchase Plus Improvements

April 12, 2019 
Here is how the program works: -you send a quote to myself during the offer stage or shortly after (must be provided no later then three weeks prior to your closing date) -the lender and/or mortgage insurer will review the quote and determine if they will support the items in the quote (not all quotes […]

Meeting with the real estate lawyer

April 12, 2019 
You must be in Canada to sign in-person with your lawyer to complete the mortgage. Co-signers, guarantors and co-applicants need to sign in-person as well with the lawyer. If any applicant will be out of the country during the time leading up to your closing date, please let me know at your earliest convenience as […]

Business hours

April 12, 2019 
Monday: 8 AM to 6 PM Tuesday: 8 AM to 6 PM Wednesday: 8 AM to 6 PM Thursday: 8 AM to 6 PM Thursday: 8 AM to 6 PM Friday: 8 AM to 6 PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Return the important information page

Additional resources

April 12, 2019 
1) YouTube 2) Blog 3) FAQ 4) Documents 5) Meeting location options 6) Mortgage application 7) Client consent 8) City of Ottawa tax bill and payment options 9) CRA My Account 10) iScanner app 11) Government of Canada confirmation of employment letter 12) MOPOLO app 13) MPAC 14) How to access your bank statements online […]

Meeting location options

April 11, 2019 
Meetings are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 AM and 6 PM. Below are your meeting location options.  From this list, I invite you to suggest a location, as well as a day and time that works best for you. 1) Starbucks at Chapters 2401 City Park Drive (Blair and Ogilvie area) […]

Construction financing FAQ

April 6, 2019 
Here are some FAQ about construction financing. Can I add the upfront costs into the mortgage? How many draws can I do? How much of a lot can I mortgage? Does the Construction Lien Act affect my construction financing?   Construction financing   Can I add the upfront costs into the mortgage? All upfront expenses […]
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